Scraping and moxibustion are two ancient practices with roots in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Both techniques have gained popularity in recent years as alternative wellness practices, and are often used in conjunction with other TCM treatments such as acupuncture.

In this blog post, we will provide an overview of scraping and moxibustion, including their history, techniques, and benefits. We will also discuss the increasing popularity of these practices in modern wellness routines and provide guidance on safety considerations.

What is scraping?

Scraping, also known as Gua Sha or cupping, is a technique that involves gently scraping the skin with a smooth, flat tool. The tool is typically made of jade, bone, or another hard material, and is moved across the skin in a specific pattern.

Gua Sha, which literally means “scraping sand,” is a type of scraping technique that originated in China and is still widely used in TCM. Cupping, on the other hand, involves the use of small cups made of glass, plastic, stone, or silicone, which are placed on the skin and suctioned to create a vacuum. Both techniques are believed to improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate pain.


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What is moxibustion?

Moxibustion is a technique that involves the use of heat to stimulate specific points on the body. It is typically performed by burning a small, cone-shaped herb called mugwort (also known as moxa) near or on the skin. The heat from the burning moxa is believed to stimulate the flow of qi (vital energy) and blood in the body, and can be used to treat a variety of ailments.

There are two main types of moxibustion: direct moxibustion and moxa stick moxibustion. In direct moxibustion, the moxa is placed directly on the skin and burned until it is extinguished. In moxa stick moxibustion, a stick of moxa is held near the skin and burned, similar to incense.

Moxibustion is believed to have numerous benefits, including reducing pain, improving circulation, and boosting the immune system. It is often used in conjunction with acupuncture to enhance the effects of treatment.

Scraping and moxibustion in modern wellness practices

Scraping and moxibustion are increasingly being incorporated into modern wellness routines, both in professional settings such as spas and massage therapy, and as at-home treatments. Jade rollers and facial rollers, which are popular tools for facial scraping, can be found in many skincare routines. Moxibustion is also being offered as a standalone treatment in some wellness centers.

Safety considerations for scraping and moxibustion

As with any alternative wellness practice, it is important to consider the potential risks and contraindications associated with scraping and moxibustion. Some potential side effects of these techniques include skin irritation, burns, and blisters. It is important to follow proper technique and to seek out a trained professional if you are considering incorporating scraping or moxibustion into your wellness routine.


In conclusion, scraping and moxibustion are ancient practices with a long history in TCM. Both techniques have gained popularity in modern wellness practices and are believed to have numerous benefits. However, it is important to consider the potential risks and contraindications and to seek out a trained professional if you are considering incorporating these techniques into your wellness routine.

Scraping and moxibustion can be a useful addition to a holistic wellness routine, but it is important to approach them with caution and to do thorough research before trying these techniques. With the guidance of a trained professional, scraping and moxibustion can be a safe and effective way to improve your overall health and well-being.

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